Upload pattern.

Upload files to Plone.


Option Type Default Description
showTitle boolean true show/hide the h1 title
url string null If not used with a form, this option must provide the URL to submit to or baseUrl with relativePath needs to be used
baseUrl string null to be used in conjunction with relativePath to generate submission urls based on related items
relativePath string null again, to be used with baseUrl to create upload url
initialFolder string null UID of initial folder related items widget should have selected
currentPath string null Current path related items is starting with
className string "upload" value for class attribute in the form element
paramName string "file" value for name attribute in the file input element
ajaxUpload boolean true true or false for letting the widget upload the files via ajax. If false the form will act like a normal form.
wrap boolean false true or false for wrapping this element using the value of wrapperTemplate.
wrapperTemplate string '
HTML template for wrapping around with this element.
resultTemplate string '

Drop files here...

HTML template for the element that will contain file information.
autoCleanResults boolean true condition value for the file preview in div element to fadeout after file upload is completed.
previewsContainer selector ".upload-previews" CSS selector for file preview in div element.
container selector "" CSS selector for where to put upload stuff into in case of form. If not provided it will be place before the first submit button.
allowPathSelection boolean Use relatedItems to set a different path from the current path. (true, if baseUrl and relativePath are set)
relatedItems object { attributes: ["UID", "Title", "Description", "getURL", "portal_type", "path", "ModificationDate"], batchSize: 20, basePath: "/", vocabularyUrl: null, width: 500, maximumSelectionSize: 1, placeholder: "Search for item on site..." } Related items pattern options. Will only be used if allowPathSelection is true.


Something here that is useful

Something else here that is useful

Another thing here that is useful

data-pat-upload='{"url": "/upload",
"relatedItems": {
"vocabularyUrl": "/relateditems-test.json"


<p>Something here that is useful</p>
<p>Something else here that is useful</p>
<p>Another thing here that is useful</p>