
The carousel pattern allows for displaying more content in the same amount of screen estate by letting users click or swipe through through slices of content.


Patterns builds on the slick library Slick (licensed under LGPL 3) to provide a very simple way to create carousels. Just by adding a pat-carousel class to your markup you can turn anything into a beautiful carousel.

Carousels usually use an unordered list to define all panels:

This is not required though: any element can be used as container and for panels. For example using a sequence of divs in a section:

There are no restrictions on the content that you use in a panels: you can use images, videos, or any other HTML content.

Any links in the page that point directly to a panel will cause the carousel to jump to the linked panel when clicked.

As you can see in the reports screenshot AcmeReports(TM) can generate beautiful reports.

Such links will automatically get a current class when the panel they are pointing to is displayed.

Lazy loading

The carousel supports lazy loading. To use this simply give your images a data-src attribute. When a panel is about to be displayed the carousel will move all data-src attributes to src

Customizing behaviour

The default carousel is quite spartan. You can customize it through options in the data-pat-carousel attribute.

Property Description Default Allowed Values Type
auto-play false true, false Boolean
auto-play-speed 1000 Integer
slides-to-scroll 1 Integer
slides-to-show 3 Integer
dots show show, hide One of the allowed string values
speed 500 Integer
height Enables adaptive height for single slide horizontal carousels. fixed fixed, adaptive One of the allowed string values
arrows Prev/Next Arrows show show, hide One of the allowed string values
append-dots Change where the navigation dots are attached (Selector, htmlString, Array, Element, jQuery object) CSS selector
infinite Infinite loop sliding false true, false Boolean