
Toggle allows for toggling between 2 different attribute values. For instance to show or hide a sidebar with a CSS class on the body tag.


The toggle pattern can be used to toggle attribute values for objects. It is most commonly used to toggle a CSS class.

Start working


If a user clicks on the Start working link the active class is added to the div. If the link is clicked again the active class is removed again. You can also use shorthand notation for this pattern:

Start working


The default attribute is class, so you do not need to specify that manually.

When updating attributes the value is set if the attribute does not exist or has a different value, or removed if the attribute already has the provided value. This can be used to check the selected state of a checkbox:

If you are manipulating the class attribute you can specify multiple classes separated by spaces to toggle multiple classes.

Start working


On the first click the inactive class will be removed and active will be added. On the next click active will be removed again and active restored. All listed classes will be toggled at the same time.

Remembering the state

Sometimes you need to remember the toggle state of an element. For example when you use a toggle to hide or show a sidebar you do not want the sidebar to reappear on every page (re)load. This can be done by telling the toggle pattern to store the state of an element using the store parameter.

To use this you requirements must be met:

  1. the element must have an id
  2. The browser must support Web Storage

The possible values for the store parameter are: