
The depends pattern makes it possible to make visibility of content conditional on form data.


The depends pattern makes it possible to make visibility of content conditional on form data. A common use case is to only show parts of a form when relevant. Here is an example from a hypothetical pizza order form:

Extra toppings

In this example the fieldset with options for extra toppings is only shown when the user indicates he wants to add extra toppings.

Another common use case is filtering a list based on some options:

Dependency expressions

Dependencies are specified via dependency expression. These are expressions that specify when an item should be visible or not.

The simplest form of a dependency expression is <input name> which indicates that an input element with the given name (or id) must have a value (if it is a checkbox must be checked). You can also test for a specific value:

You can also revert a test by putting the not keyword in front of it. Here are some examples:

Hidden items will be included.

Not showing hidden items.

Showing cheap options.

You can also combine multiple tests using and and or, optionally using parenthesis to specify the desired grouping. Here is a more complex example which demonstrates the use of and:

Select your flavour

Select custom ingredients

Adding bacon means your pizza is no longer vegetarian!

This pizza menu will show a warning if the user selects a vegetarian pizza but then also adds extra bacon to it.


Two types of actions can be taken by the pattern: changing visibility and disabling elements. The action can be specified using the action property.

This example shows a submit button which is disabled if the title input has no value.

The available actions are:


When hiding or showing items you can specify a transition effect to be used. The default behaviour is to not use any transition and immediately hide or show the element by toggling its display style. If you prefer to control the effect completely with CSS you can use the css transition.

Select custom ingredients

This allow full control in CSS, including the use of animation for browsers supporting CSS animation. Two non-CSS based animation options are also included: fade will fade the element in and out, and slide uses a vertical sliding effect. During a transition an in-progress class will be set on the element.

Option reference

The depends can be configured through a data-pat-depends attribute. The available options are:

Field Default Description
condition The dependency condition.
action show Action to perform. One of show, enable or both.
transition show Transition effect to use if the action is show. Must be one of none, css, fade or slide.
effect-duration fast Duration of transition. This is ignored if the transition is none or css.
effect-easing swing Easing to use for the transition. This must be a known jQuery easing method. jQuery includes swing and linear, but more can be included via jQuery UI.