
A pattern for creating a custom date picker or polyfill.


This pattern provides a styleable date picker. It can be used as a fallback for browsers which don't yet support the HTML5 date input.


####Enforcing the styled non-HTML5 picker universally.

By default this pattern will NOT defer to the browser's HTML5 picker.

####Default value

####Specifying the "min" and "max" attributes.

####Show the week number.

####Multilingual support with German translations

The picker's UI can be translated by providing a URL to the i18n option. This URL must point to a JSON encoded resource containing the translations.

Here are all the i18n values in JSON format:

{ "previousMonth": "Previous Month", "nextMonth": "Next Month", "months": ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"], "weekdays": ["Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"], "weekdaysShort": ["Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat"] }

Why did we base this library on Pikaday?

When looking for the underlying library to use for this pattern, we compared pikaday and pickadate.

Pikaday's CSS classes are prefixed to make them unique, whereas Pickadate's classes are very generic and therefore prone to clash with existing classes and CSS in certain sites.

One of the main drawbacks of pickadate is the markup that it produces. Pickaday's special markup is inserted relative to the input element being overridden.

In contrast, the markup generated by pikaday is appended to the end of the <body> tag, and it then uses absolute positioning to position the picker.

This is easier to style and less prone to create problems when integrating the picker in diverse styling environments.

Pikaday is only 5KB compressed. The code is AMD aware and easy to read and understand.

Option reference

The HTML5 attributes min and max will be honoured.

In addition, the following options can be passed to data-pat-date-picker:

Property Type Default Value Available values Description
week-numbers string hide show, hide "show" will show the weeks' numbers in a leftmost column.
i18n URL Provide a URL to a JSON resource which gives the i18n values.
first-day Integer 0 Set the first day of the week (0 -> Sunday, 1-> Monday, ...).