TinyMCE pattern

Use the TinyMCE editor for HTML editing.


Option Type Default Description
relatedItems object { attributes: ["UID", "Title", "Description", "getURL", "portal_type", "path", "ModificationDate"], batchSize: 20, basePath: "/", vocabularyUrl: null, width: 500, maximumSelectionSize: 1, placeholder: "Search for item on site..." } Related items pattern options.
upload object { attributes: look at upload pattern for getting the options list } Upload pattern options.
text object { insertBtn: "Insert", cancelBtn: "Cancel", insertHeading: "Insert link", title: "Title", internal: "Internal", external: "External", email: "Email", anchor: "Anchor", subject: "Subject" image: "Image", imageAlign: "Align", scale: "Size", alt: "Alternative Text", captionFromDescription: "Show Image Caption from Image Description", caption: "Image Caption", externalImage: "External Image URI"} Translation strings
imageScales string Image scale name/value object-array or JSON string for use in the image dialog.
targetList array [ {text: "Open in this window / frame", value: ""}, {text: "Open in new window", value: "_blank"}, {text: "Open in parent window / frame", value: "_parent"}, {text: "Open in top frame (replaces all frames)", value: "_top"}] Possible targets for plonelink plugin
imageTypes string 'Image' Selectable Image types. Used in ploneimage plugin.
folderTypes string 'Folder,Plone Site' Browseable folderish types. Used for pat-relateditems in ploneimage and plonelink plugin.
tiny object { plugins: [ "advlist", "autolink", "lists", "charmap", "print", "preview", "anchor", "searchreplace", "visualblocks", "code", "fullscreen", "insertdatetime", "media", "table", "contextmenu", "paste", "plonelink", "ploneimage" ], menubar: "edit table format tools view insert", toolbar: "undo redo | styles | bold italic | alignleft aligncenter alignright alignjustify | bullist numlist outdent indent | unlink plonelink ploneimage", autoresize_max_height: 1500 } Default TinyMCE configuration options. These are set via configuration registry.
prependToUrl string "" Text to prepend to generated internal urls.
appendToUrl string "" Text to append to generated internal urls.
prependToScalePart string "/imagescale/" Text to prepend to generated image scale url part.
appendToScalePart string "" Text to append to generated image scale url part.
linkAttribute string "path" Ajax response data attribute to use for url.
defaultScale string "Original" Scale name to default to.
inline boolean false Show tinyMCE editor inline instead in an iframe. Use this on textarea inputs. If you want to use this pattern directly on a contenteditable, pass "inline: true" to the "tiny" options object.



data-pat-tinymce='{"relatedItems": {
"vocabularyUrl": "/relateditems-test.json"


With dropzone

data-pat-tinymce='{"relatedItems": {"vocabularyUrl": "/relateditems-test.json" },
"upload": {"baseUrl": "/", "relativePath": "upload"}


Inline editing

<textarea class="pat-tinymce" data-pat-tinymce='{"inline": true}'>
<h3>I'm a content editable</h3>
<p>Try to edit me!</p>
