Sortable pattern.

A pattern to make listings sortable.


Option Type Default Description
selector string "li" Selector to use to draggable items in pattern.
dragClass string "item-dragging" Class to apply to original item that is being dragged.
cloneClass string "dragging" Class to apply to cloned item that is dragged.
drop function, string "" Callback function or name of callback function in global namespace to be called when item is dropped.


Example 1


<style type="text/css" media="screen">
.item-dragging {
background-color: red;
.dragging {
background: green;
<ul class="pat-sortable">


The patttern needs to be defined on the direct parent element of the elements to be sorted. Heads up: A would be added to the table by browser automatically. The pattern needs to be defined on the then.

One One One Two
Two One Two Two
Three One Three Two
<table class="table table-stripped">
<tbody class="pat-sortable" data-pat-sortable="selector:tr;">
<td>One One</td>
<td>One Two</td>
<td>Two One</td>
<td>Two Two</td>
<td>Three One</td>
<td>Three Two</td>