
A bumper is an element that, when the user starts scrolling, stays within view when a viewport border touches it.


Below is a simple example of a bumper.

Bumper content

When the user starts scrolling the page and the top edge of the above div reaches the top edge of the viewport, a bumped class will be added. For this to work the pattern will automatically set the position of the div to relative.

Bumpers in scrolling containers

You can also put a bumper in a scrolling container. Here is an example:



If the container has its overflow style set to auto or scroll and its contents do not fit in the available space the browser will automatically add scrollbars. The bumper pattern will detect this and stick the bumped element so it is always visible in its container.

To implement this the bumper pattern will set the position of both the bumper and its scrolling container to relative.

Class specification

You can configure which classes must be set or removed on the element when it is bumped, or no longer bumped. For example if you want to add an extra floating class if the element not bumped you can do this:

Bumper content

This will add a floating class when the element is no longer bumped, and remove it when the element becomes bumped. See the option reference below for the full list of options that are available to configure the class management.

Please note that classes will only be changed when the bump-status of the element changes. Classes not be modified on page load.

Option reference

The bumped pattern can be configured through a data-pat-bumper attribute. The available options are:

Property Default value Description Type
selector unset CSS selector for elements whose classes must be updated. CSS selector
bump-add bumped CSS class(es) to add when an element is bumped. String
bump-remove unset CSS class(es) to removed when an element is bumped. String
unbump-add unset CSS class(es) to add when an element is no longer bumped. String
unbump-remove bumped CSS class(es) to removed when an element is no longer bumped. String
side top The side which should bump. A combination of all top right bottom left. all is equivalent to top right bottom left. String