Related items
Show a widget to select related items.
Option | Type | Default | Description |
attributes | array | ['UID', 'Title', 'portal_type', 'path'] | This list is passed to the server during an AJAX request to specify the attributes which should be included on each item. |
basePath | string | set to rootPath. | Start browse/search in this path. |
breadcrumbTemplate | string | Template to use for a single item in the breadcrumbs. | |
breadcrumbTemplateSelector | string | null | Select an element from the DOM from which to grab the breadcrumbTemplate. |
closeOnSelect | boolean | true | Select2 option. Whether or not the drop down should be closed when an item is selected. |
contextPath | string | Path of the object, which is currently edited. If this path is given, this object will not be selectable. | |
dropdownCssClass | string | 'pattern-relateditems-dropdown' | Select2 option. CSS class to add to the drop down element. |
favorites | array | [] | Array of objects. These are favorites, which can be used to quickly jump to different locations. Objects have the attributes "title" and "path". |
maximumSelectionSize | integer | -1 | The maximum number of items that can be selected in a multi-select control. If this number is less than 1 selection is not limited. |
minimumInputLength | integer | 0 | Number of characters necessary to start a search. |
mode | string | Initial widget mode. Possible values: are 'auto', 'search' and 'browse'. If set to 'search', the catalog is searched for a searchterm. If set to 'browse', browsing starts at basePath. Default: 'browse', which means the search and browse in separated tabs. Auto would combine global search and browse in one selection. | |
orderable | boolean | true | Whether or not items should be drag-and-drop sortable. |
pageSize | integer | 10 | Batch size to break down big result sets into multiple pages. |
recentlyUsed | boolean | false | Show the recently used items dropdown. |
recentlyUsedMaxItems | integer | 20 | Maximum items to keep in recently used list. 0: no restriction. |
resultTemplate | string | Refer to source | Template for an item in the in the list of results. Refer to source for default. |
resultTemplateSelector | string | null | Select an element from the DOM from which to grab the resultTemplate. |
rootPath | string | "/" | Only display breadcrumb path elements deeper than this path. |
rootUrl | string | Visible URL up to the rootPath. This is prepended to the currentPath to generate submission URLs. | |
scanSelection | boolean | Scan the list of selected elements for other patterns. | |
selectableTypes | array | null | If the value is null all types are selectable. Otherwise, provide a list of strings to match item types that are selectable. |
selectionTemplate | string | Refer to source | Template for element that will be used to construct a selected item. |
selectionTemplateSelector | string | null | Select an element from the DOM from which to grab the selectionTemplate. |
separator | string | ',' | Select2 option. String which separates multiple items. |
sortOn | string | null | Index on which to sort on. If null, will default to term relevance (no sort) when searching and folder order (getObjPositionInParent) when browsing. |
sortOrder | string | 'ascending' | Sort ordering. |
tokenSeparators | array | [",", " "] | Select2 option, refer to select2 documentation. |
toolbarTemplate | string | Template for element to which toolbar items will be appended. | |
toolbarTemplateSelector | string | null | Select an element from the DOM from which to grab the toolbarTemplate. |
upload | boolean | Allow file and image uploads from within the related items widget. | |
uploadAllowView | string | View, which returns a JSON response in the form of {allowUpload: true}, if upload is allowed in the current context. | |
vocabularyUrl | string | null | This is a URL to a JSON-formatted file used to populate the list |
width | string | '100%' | Specify a width for the widget. |
Default, mode "browse" (separate browse and search tabs)
data-pat-relateditems='{"selectableTypes": ["Document"], "vocabularyUrl": "relateditems-test.json"}'
Default, mode "auto" (search/browser combined)
Default, mode "search"
Default, mode browse, favorites, recently used and upload
data-pat-relateditems='{"vocabularyUrl": "relateditems-test.json", "favorites": [{"title": "Projects", "path": "/path"}], "recentlyUsed": true, "upload": true}'
Existing values, some bad
data-pat-relateditems="width:30em; vocabularyUrl:relateditems-test.json"
Selectable Types
data-pat-relateditems='{"selectableTypes": ["Document"], "vocabularyUrl": "relateditems-test-selectable.json"}'
Select a single item
data-pat-relateditems='{"selectableTypes": ["Document"], "vocabularyUrl": "relateditems-test.json", "maximumSelectionSize": 1}'
Mode "browse", Upload
data-pat-relateditems='{"selectableTypes": ["Image", "File"], "vocabularyUrl": "relateditems-test.json", "upload": true}'