
Show a widget to select items in an offcanvas miller-column browser.


Option Type Default Description
vocabularyUrl string null This is a URL to a JSON-formatted file used to populate the list
attributes array ['UID', 'Title', 'portal_type', 'path'] This list is passed to the server during an AJAX request to specify the attributes which should be included on each item.
rootPath string "/" Browsing/searching root path. You will not get beneath this path
rootUrl string Browsing/searching root url.
basePath string set to rootPath. Start browse/search in this path.
contextPath string Path of the object, which is currently edited. If this path is given, this object will not be selectable.
selectableTypes array [] List of portal_types to be selectable
browseableTypes array ["Folder"] List of portal_types to be browseable
favorites array [] Array of objects. These are favorites, which can be used to quickly jump to different locations. Objects have the attributes "title" and "path".
maximumSelectionSize integer -1 The maximum number of items that can be selected in a multi-select control. If this number is less than 1 selection is not limited.
mode string "browse" Toggle between "browse" and "search"
width integer Override the width of the selected items field
bSize integer 10 Batch size of the items listed in levels
maxDepth integer Maximum level depth for "browse" mode
separator string ',' Select2 option. String which separates multiple items.
upload boolean Allow file and image uploads from within the related items widget.
recentlyUsed boolean false Show the recently used items dropdown.
recentlyUsedKey integer Storage key for saving the recently used items. This is generated with fieldname and username in the patternoptions.
recentlyUsedMaxItems integer 20 Maximum items to keep in recently used list. 0: no restriction.
customComponentKeys dict {} Register custom components. Currently only "SelectedItem" implemented


data-pat-contentbrowser='{"selectableTypes": ["Document"], "vocabularyUrl": "contentbrowser-test.json"}'

Existing values, some bad

data-pat-contentbrowser="width:30em; vocabularyUrl:contentbrowser-test.json"

Selectable Types

data-pat-contentbrowser='{"selectableTypes": ["Document"], "vocabularyUrl": "contentbrowser-test-selectable.json"}'

Select a single item

data-pat-contentbrowser='{"selectableTypes": ["Document"], "vocabularyUrl": "contentbrowser-test.json", "maximumSelectionSize": 1}'

Mode "browse", Upload

data-pat-contentbrowser='{"selectableTypes": ["Image", "File"], "vocabularyUrl": "contentbrowser-test.json", "upload": true}'

Register custom component

Currently only for SelectedItem component available.

"customComponentKeys": {
"SelectedItem": "pat-contentbrowser.myfield.MySelectedItemComponent",


Copy the existing component src/SelectedItem.svelte to your addon, customize it and register it in your JS bundle as follows:

import plone_registry from "@plone/registry";

async function register_selecteditem_component() {
// we register our component to a custom keyname,
// which later can be used for pattern_options
const SelectedImages = (await import("./MySelectedItemComponent.svelte")).default;
name: "pat-contentbrowser.myfield.MySelectedItemComponent",
component: SelectedImages,


Note: this needs the svelte-loader plugin in your webpack.config.js ... see mockups webpack config for info.