
The syntax highlight pattern is used to add syntax highlighting to code examples in your page.


In technical documentation or certain blog posts, it's common for code snippets to be included in a page.

This pattern will add automatic syntax highlighting to these snippets of code.

Simply add the pat-syntax-highlight class to a DOM element surrounding the code snippet. Usually you'll want to use the <pre> (Preformatted Text) element for this.

For example:

    <pre class="pat-syntax-highlight">
        var pattern = registry.patterns[name];
        if (pattern.transform) {
            try {
            } catch (e) {
                if (dont_catch) { throw(e); }
                log.error("Transform error for pattern" + name, e);

HTML Markup

Note that HTML markup inside a <pre class="pat-syntax-highlight"> element still needs to be escaped. This means that < needs to be escaped to &lt; and > to &gt;. Otherwise the browser will attempt to render the markup instead of displaying the literal text.