
Add and remove classes from elements when a user clicks on a switch.


It is possible to add or remove classes when a user clicks on an item. This is done by adding a pat-switch class along with a data-pat-switch attribute to the triggering element.

If a user clicks on the Power on button, the off class will be removed and the on class will be added. Note that this is similar to the toggle pattern. This pattern only triggers once though, while the toggle pattern toggles between two states.

This pattern takes three properties:

You must provide the selector and at least one of remove or add.

You can use wildcards to identify classes that should be removed by using a wildcard (the * character) in the class name:

Multiple changes can be provided if desired by separating them using the && separator. The example below uses this to remove all icon classes in both the toolbar and the navigation tree:

Options reference

You can customise the behaviour of a switches through options in the data-pat-switch attribute.

Property Default value Values Description Type
selector jQuery selector matching elements that should be updated.
remove Space-separated list of classes to remove.
add Space-separated list of classes to add.
store none none session local How to store the state of a toggle. none does not remember the toggle state, local stores the state as part of the local storage and session stores the status as part of the session storage. Mutually exclusive