
A simple pattern that allows for quickly changing out chunks of content on a page, typically styled as tabs.


The stacks pattern provides a way to group a number of sheets, only one of which is visible at a point in time. A common version of this pattern are tabs.

The markup structure looks like this:


The pat-stacks class is set on a grouping element and its direct children are treated as sheets. By default the stacks pattern will show its first direct child and hide all other children. However if the URL fragment points to another child that child will be shown instead. The currently visible sheet will get a class of visible, all other sheets will get a hidden class.

Note that each sheet must have an ID so it can be selected. Elements without an ID are ignored.

Any anchor in the document that points to a sheet can be used to switch the stack to that sheet. The default action for the anchor will be blocked, but other events/patterns tied to the anchor will still work. The anchor of the currently visible sheet automatically receives a current class.

The above example will look like this in the DOM after initialisation:


Option reference

The Stacks pattern may be configured through a data-pat-stacks attribute. The available options are:

Field Default Description
selector > * CSS selector used to find all sheets in a stack.
transition none Transition effect to use. Must be one of none, css, fade or slide.
effect-duration fast Duration of transition. This is ignored if the transition is none or css.
effect-easing swing Easing to use for the transition. This must be a known jQuery easing method. jQuery includes swing and linear, but more can be included via jQuery UI.