
With the slides pattern you can create PowerPoint-like slide shows with web standards.


Running slide shows

Slide shows my be run standalone on a page or injected as part of a page or as a composed injection.

Standalone rendering

Consider the following markup:

My beautiful slide

Some notes

Another slide

Some notes

Final slide

Some notes

What will happen is that pat-slides will trigger the slideshow pattern to bind the slideshow functions (such as key based hopping through slides) to the slides within the element that has pat-slides on it.

Clicking on a slide will run the slide show from that slide on.

You can use a footer element for presenter notes. These are pieces of plain text that are displayed in your browsers console when the slide is shown.


It''s possible to put a filter in the URI to show only specific slides. Consider the following URI format:


or the equivalent:


Using either of these URLs the slideshow(s) on the page will only include slides that match any of the IDs. All other slides will be removed from the DOM.

Injected slideshows

The injection pattern may be used to launch slideshows on a page as part of another design. When a user clicks on a slide, it will still run full window, but the list view will be integrated in the rest of the design.

The injection pattern may be used as follows:


The source markup contains in this case the same markup structure as in the standalone rendering example and will therefor execute itself in the same fashion

Composed injection

Composed injection allows for composing a slide show out of different HTML source files or a combination of standalone slides and slides out of an other HTML file.

The example below would extract one slide (third-slide) from my-slides.html and combine it with a slide that is in the HTML file itself.


My beautiful slide

Some notes

Options reference

This pattern has no configurable properties.