
Marks navigation paths with "in-path" and "current" classes and allows of auto-injecting content when menu item was marked with the "current" class.


The "in-path" and "current" classes and the "item-wrapper" are configurable. Use the "navigation-load-current" class on the navigation wrapper element to content from menu items marked with the "current" class.

For examples see index.html.

Option reference

The navigation pattern can be configured through a data-pat-navigation attribute. The available options are:

Field Default Options Description
item-wrapper li CSS selector The DOM element which wraps each menu item. This is used to set the "current" and "in-path" classes also on the wrapper element. If empty, no wrapper element is used.
in-path-class navigation-in-path CSS class name Class name, which is set on item-wrapper elements if nested menu items are within the current path.
current-class current CSS class name Class name, which is set on item-wrapper or items if they are the currently selected menu option.