
Modal panels, also known as modal dialogs or popups, can be created using standard links or buttons with the pat-modal class. A modal panel is a panel that requires users to interact with it before they can return to the application behind it.


A basic modal example:

Show server status

This will load the page at /status/server1, extract the element with id content and display its content in a panel.

Options reference

You can customise the behaviour of modals through options in the data-pat-modal attribute.

Property Default value Values Description Type
class A class name to be applied to the modal. String.
closing "close-button" ["close-button", "outside"] Show a "close" button for closing the modal, or let it be closed by clicking outside of the modal area. One of the mutually exclusive available string values.
close-text "Close" Specify a custom string for the close button. String.