
A day, week and month view to display events as a calendar.


Connecting to a backend

The calendar pattern expects a plone.restapi compatible data structure by default. An example is given in the demo which uses the test_event_source.json file to provide some example events.

The url parameter allows two variables to be passed to it: the start and end date as ISO 8601 strings to limit the list of events which should be shown. The calendar pattern automatically replaces them with the start and end date of the current view - the beginning or the end of the month, week or day.

For connecting to a plone.restapi backend you can provide a url like this one:


It searches for events starting as early as the given end_str and latest as the given start_str.

This is the full initialization tag:

  <div id="calendar" class="pat-calendar"
        url: http://localhost:8080/Plone/@search?portal_type=Event&start.query=${end_str}&start.range=max&end.query=${start_str}&end.range=min&metadata_fields=start&metadata_fields=end&metadata_fields=whole_day&metadata_fields=location;
        initial-date: 2020-10-10;
        lang: de;
        store: session;"

Options reference

The calendar can be configured through a data-pat-calendar attribute. The available options are:

Property Default value Values Description Type
calendar-controls Valid CSS selector. Defines the element where the calendar UI controls are located in. If not given, the pat-calendar element is used as search context. string
category-controls Valid CSS selector. Defines the element where the category UI controls are located in. If not given, the pat-calendar element is used as search context. string
column-day dddd M/d
column-month ddd
column-week ddd M/d
initial-date ISO8601 date string (yyyy-mm-dd) The initial date for the calendar. Defaults to the current date.
initial-view month month, basicWeek, basicDay, agendaWeek, agendaDay The default view of the calendar. Mutually Exclusive
drag-and-drop true, false Enable support for drag and drop or drag to resize of the events in the calendar. Mutually Exclusive
drop-external-events true, false Enable support for dragging and dropping events from outside of the calendar, into it. Mutually Exclusive
external-event-selector A JQuery selector with which external events are identified. Used in conjunction with drop-external-events. JQuery selector string
first-day 0
first-hour 6
height auto
store none none, session, local
time-format h(:mm)t
title-day dddd, MMM d, YYYY
title-month MMMM YYYY
title-week MMM D YYYY
url URL to an event source as JSON feed.
event-color blue Any CSS color value Default color of events.
pat-inject-source CSS selector If clicking on an event this selector identifies which section of the loaded event to inject. string
pat-inject-target CSS selector If clicking on an event this selector identifies where to inject the loaded content. string
pat-switch-selector CSS selector Defines the element on which pat-select should operate on. string
pat-switch-add CSS class name Defines the class name to be added. string
pat-switch-remove CSS class name Defines the class name to be removed. string
pat-tooltip-source null null, "ajax" If set to "ajax" and a URL is configured for an displayed event, it will open the url in a tooltip. string
pat-modal-class null null, CSS class names If set to a string of space seperated CSS class names a modal will be initialized on an event. string