
The auto-submit pattern will automatically submit a form whenever the user changes a value of any input inside of it. It can be used to incrementally send form input data to a server, for instance to create a live search pattern where the search results update on every keypress.


The auto-submit pattern submits a form whenever a value inside that form changes.

It is enabled by adding the pat-auto-submit CSS class to the form element.

Alternatively, you can also add pat-auto-submit to inputs or containers of inputs inside the form, to only let changes to those particular inputs automatically submit the form.

This pattern plays nicely with pat-subform, which means that if an element changes inside a subform, only that subform will be submitted.


On only one element:

On a fieldset:

And on the whole form:

What constitutes a change?

While for a checkbox a change is clearly defined as uncheck/check, for input fields there are more options.

Without configuration, a change will be detected 400ms after the last keypress in an input field. Naturally, if two keypresses are more than 400ms apart, two submits will be triggered.

You can configure this behaviour with the delay option.

no delay:

longer delay:

delay until element loses focus:

Combining with injection

The auto-submit pattern is most useful when combined with injection. This makes it trivial to create a form that automatically loads content and displays it on the page. Here is a minimal search page:

... present search results here

As soon as the user starts entering text in the search field or changes the local-search toggle search requests will send to the server and the results will be inserted into the existing page by replacing the content of the results section.

Option reference

Property Type Default Value Available values Description
delay string or number 400 A milliseconds value or "defocus" The amount of milliseconds to wait until submitting the form. "Defocus" only applies when pat-auto-submit is applied to input elements and means that the form will be submitted when the element loses focus.