Advanced Usage ============== Trying to explain from the top down, when request comes and what is served back, how deco/toolbar is applied to the page: - To install Deco select plone extension ``Deco`` which will install everything needed (or import `` profile). This will install additional packages: - ``: toolbar which is used for deco editor buttons - ``: - ``: - ``: - ``: - ``: - ``: - ``: used for storing etc... (included in Plone 4.2) - at installation of `` also `toolbar` skin is created. its resources (css/js) are later used inside toolbar iframe. this provides us with separate skin for "frontend" and "backend" while still showing them on same page. - TOOLBAR: - `plone.toolbar.toolbarlink` viewlet is put above `plone.head` viewlet - `plone.contentviews`, `plone.contentactions` and `plone.resourceregistries.kineticstylesheets` viewlet are removed / hidden. - last 2 steps are applied as part of `` profile. - in case browser has javascript disabled `plone.toolbar.toolbarlink` viewlet will show link which will point to `@@plone_toolbar_fallback` view (``) which lists all avaliable actions in plain html. - in (usual) case when javascript is enabled, `plone.toolbar.toolbarlink` viewlet will insert initialization code for `plone.toolbar.js`. - `plone.toolbar.js` script is taking care of creation of toolbar. at initialization `plone.toolbar.js` creates iframe, loads iframe resources and creates list of buttons which are "calculated" in ``.