Source code for

import urllib

    import json
    import simplejson as json

from zope.component import getMultiAdapter
from zope.component import queryUtility
from zope.traversing.browser.interfaces import IAbsoluteURL

from plone.tiles.interfaces import ITileType, ITileDataManager, IPersistentTile

_safe = '@+'

[docs]def getEditTileURL(tile, request): """Get the edit URL for the given tile. If the tile is transient, the URL will contain a `_tiledata` parameter with the tile data encoded in JSON. This avoids possible collisions between raw data coming from the edit form and tile data retrieved by the transient tile data manager. """ id = name = tile.__name__ context = tile.__parent__ if name is None or context is None: raise TypeError("Insufficient context to determine URL") url = str(getMultiAdapter((context, request), IAbsoluteURL)) tileFragment = "@@edit-tile/" + urllib.quote(name.encode('utf-8'), _safe) if id: tileFragment += '/' + urllib.quote(id.encode('utf-8'), _safe) url = '%s/%s' % (url, tileFragment,) if not IPersistentTile.providedBy(tile): data = ITileDataManager(tile).get() if data: tileType = queryUtility(ITileType, name=name) if tileType is not None and tileType.schema is not None: if '?' in url: url += '&' + '_tiledata=' + json.dumps(data) else: url += '?' + '_tiledata=' + json.dumps(data) return url
[docs]def appendJSONData(url, key, data): """Append JSON data (e.g a dict) to the given URL and return the new URL. ``key`` is the url parameter key. """ toAppend = "%s=%s" % (key, urllib.quote(json.dumps(data)),) if '?' in url: return url + '&' + toAppend else: return url + '?' + toAppend